🎬 All Of A Sudden

ALSO: Monetising Stranded Energy; Lebanon, Life After the State; Selective Bias; Google to Permit Bitcoin ads; The US government to sell Bitcoin

Hey there - Jordan here (Co-founder), I hope you’re enjoying our weekly newsletter and it’s keeping you in the loop with relatable Bitcoin news without being too time-consuming or ‘Bitcoiny’.

I love writing it each week and our readers have grown rapidly over January (which is awesome). Everyone’s feedback has helped us continuously improve the newsletter🧡.

I have one small ask. Whether you have 1 follower or 100k on social media, could you please help us get out to a wider audience by resharing my latest post about the newsletter?

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And if you want to see my ugly mug then you can also watch the newsletter in video format on YouTube (released every Saturday).

Thank you very much and Happy Friday - Here is your In A Nutshell from The Bitcoin Collective⚡️

This Week’s Big Stories
  • Monetising Stranded Energy

  • Lebanon, Life After the State

  • Selective Bias

  • All Of A Sudden

Source: Bitcoin Magazine

🤑 Monetising Stranded Energy

Alex Gladstein of the Human Rights Foundation reports on how Bitcoin is monetising stranded energy, financing electrical infrastructure, and expanding financial freedom in Africa. A 20-30 minute read but well worth taking the time this weekend.

Source: What Bitcoin Did

🇱🇧 Lebanon, Life After the State

Grappling with soaring debt, a plummeting currency, and rapidly increasing inflation, Lebanon finds itself at a crossroads.

Peter travels to Beirut to understand Lebanon's economic crisis, political deadlock and the collapse of any effective government. Expecting desperation, he witnesses the Lebanese spirit and saw how the locals were rebuilding the country.

Source: United Nations University

👂 Selective Bias

The Bitcoin Policy Institute uncovered critical shortcomings in recent research from the United Nations University on Bitcoin's environmental impact.

Margot Paez, who attended our last conference has written a report analysing these shortcomings.

Source: Bitcoin Shooter

🎬 All Of A Sudden

This week a 5 minute trailer for a film called “No More Inflation” was released about Bitcoin mining electrifying Africa.

A truly inspiring piece which demonstrates how Bitcoin mining is the solution to a real problem in rural parts of the world. This is a video which is relatable and understandable to those outside of Bitcoin, so please share it.

If you want to help the filmmaker finish the film, you can find out more information here.

🔥 What else have you missed?

1. The US government has filed a notice to sell $130 million worth of Bitcoin that was seized from the Silk Road case.

2. Cornell University’s College scholar program approves the first Bitcoin focused degree.

3. Permanent Secretary of HM Treasury in the UK, James Bowler, is asked ‘what a CBDC is for’.

4. Google to Permit Bitcoin & Crypto Ads Starting Jan 29, 2024.

🍾 Friday Fun

This week’s theme is: ‘Famous Rivers 🌊’ - Play here

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Until next week ✌️,

Jordan & The BC Team