♻️ Could BTC be ESG?

ALSO: Bitcoin in Africa; Bitcoin surpasses 50 Million; Ledger compromised... again; The SEC educational material

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This Week’s Big Stories
  • Bitcoin in Africa

  • Surpassing 50 Million!

  • Could BTC be ESG?

Source: What Bitcoin Did

🌍 Bitcoin in Africa

Is this the best What Bitcoin Did episode? It’s certainly up there and a must-watch/listen from us.

They sat down with Femi Longe, the program director for Btrust Builders, which educates developers in Africa about Bitcoin. Discussing the impact of external powers on Africa and the potential of Bitcoin to change the global financial.

Source: Glassnode

😱 Surpassing 50 Million!

The number of Bitcoin addresses with non-zero balances just surpassed 50 million.

We are seeing one of the strongest forms of accumulation from small buyers. The only other times we've seen stronger accumulation is in the 2017 and 2021 bull markets.

Generated using AI

♻️ Could BTC be ESG?

The Financial Times published an article: “COP28: The struggle to say ‘fossil fuels’ out loud” which included a section called taking a fresh look at Bitcoin’s ESG credentials. In other words, they might have got it wrong.

“The cryptocurrency could allow previously unprofitable, small electrical grids linked to local renewable energy to become "financially viable" in developing countries and in turn improve electricity access.” Read the Bitcoin section here.

🔥 What else have you missed?

1. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) have started tweeting out educational materials, warnings on crypto investing, which is something they also did leading up to the Bitcoin Futures ETF approval.

2. FASB has officially adopted Fair Value Accounting for Bitcoin. This upgrade to accounting standards will facilitate the adoption of BTC as a treasury reserve asset by corporations worldwide.

3. Ledger compromised… again. Hackers reportedly siphoned $484K during the hack. Ledger stated that no devices or Ledger Live were compromised.

4. Text Bitcoin to Anyone, Anywhere, Any Wallet. River launches River Link which allows you to send or gift Bitcoin through text.

🍾 Friday Fun

This week’s theme is: ‘Famous author’s last names’ - Play here

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BC Team