🙋‍♂️ Jack Dorsey is a Square Head

ALSO: The truth behind Cuba's Bitcoin revolution

Good morning, here is your weekly In A Nutshell from the Bitcoin Collective⚡️

This Week’s Big Stories
  • What's happening in Madeira?

  • The Truth Behind Cuba's Bitcoin Revolution

  • Dorsey is a Square Head

Source: Max DeMarco

🏝️ What's happening in Madeira?

It's incredible, we'll tell you that for free. The Free Madeira initiative has announced a huge conference next year. A few speakers include Michael Saylor, Jack Dorsey, Natalie Brunell, Jeff Booth, Lyn Alden, and Jack Mallers.

We can’t list them all but need we say anymore. Yes, you can now go search where Madeira is on the map and check for flights! We've been given a discount for our community. Every satoshi counts. Code: BitcoinCollective

Source: Cointelegraph

🇨🇺 The Truth Behind Cuba's Bitcoin Revolution

Joe Hall embarked on an exciting journey to the vibrant shores of Cuba. During the trip, Joe investigated the adoption of Bitcoin and the economic changes transforming the country. A nation that was once isolated is now using Bitcoin to connect with the global economy on its own terms. Watch it here.

If you enjoy it, we recommend reading "Check Your Financial Privilege"

Generated using Midjourney

🙋‍♂️ Jack Dorsey is a Square Head

Jack Dorsey has taken over as interim head of Square's payments unit under the title "Square Head".

This move comes after CEO Amrita Ahuja resigned this week. Square is a financial services company known for its point of sale and mobile payment solutions.

Speculations are high among the community that the known Bitcoin advocate will look to integrate Lightning into their systems. Only time will tell.

🔥 What else have you missed?

1. Two Bitcoin powerhouses join forces. Lisa Hough joins Caitlin Long's Custodia to accelerate its banking and Bitcoin custody services for institutions.

2. Energy Deregulation in Nigeria could lead to a Bitcoin mining Gold rush. 

3. UK Market Report on the growth of merchant adoption of Bitcoin and the Bitcoin social network.

4. UK passes the Online Safety Bill - A dark day for the UK as companies offering end-to-end encryption may now be required to build a backdoor.

🍾 Friday Fun

Sheeesh! Looks like the crossword is a big hit. 100+ of you played last week. Not bad for week one.

Let's crank it up a notch. Play Here

Until next week ✌️,

BC Team