🏦 Unbanking The Banked

ALSO: Why Bitcoin Is Becoming A Part Of TraFi; Unlike Gold, Bitcoin Is Not A Safe-Haven; New HBO Bitcoin Documentary; Bukele In Argentina.

Happy Friday, In A Nutshell this week:

  • 🏦 Unbanking The Banked

  • 💰 Money Electric

  • 🤑 Why Bitcoin Is Becoming A Part Of TraFi

  • …and much more

 🚀⏰ Today’s news should be a ~3.56-minute read (572 words).

🧠 Quote Of The Week

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.”

Abraham Lincoln

🏦 Unbanking The Banked

Bank of America customers on Wednesday reported having problems accessing their bank accounts or that their account balances currently show $0.

Several users on social media were quick to remind everyone of BofA CEO Brian Moynihan's comments just a few years ago...

“Bitcoin is highly Speculative, you could wake up one day and your account would be worth zero."

💰 Money Electric

The trailer for a new Bitcoin documentary which drops next week has just been released about the mystery of Satoshi Nakamoto.

The documentary has been produced by HBO who have nearly 100 million subscribers worldwide.

🤑 Why Bitcoin Is Becoming A Part Of TraFi

Bitcoin is becoming part of traditional finance as major institutions like BlackRock and Fidelity launch Bitcoin ETFs, making it easier for people to invest in Bitcoin without owning it directly (Forbes Article).

There have been about 2,000 ETFs launched this decade.

Here are the top 10 biggest by assets, two of which are Bitcoin ETFs by Fidelity and BlackRock. Quite amazing given they are less than 1 year old.

🇦🇷 Bukele In Argentina

Argentina’s Vice President, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner met with President Bukele of El Salvador this week ahead of his meeting with the Argentine president, Javier Milei.

Her first question was about Bitcoin and specifically the Bitcoin bonds, stating: “Bitcoin is something that interests me a lot."

🍿 BC Backstage

The biggest Bitcoin advocate today once said “Bitcoin days are numbered”

But is it okay to change your mind?

In the words of George Bernard Shaw:

🎤 “The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself.”

👉The "reasonable man" is someone who conforms to the way things are, adapting themselves to fit within the existing system or world.

👉The "unreasonable man" refuses to accept things as they are and instead strives to change the world to match their vision or ideas.

Saylor used to hate Bitcoin (see tweet below)

But those who are “unreasonable” change their minds when they get more information.

1,000+ hours of research on the topic did this for him and his company, MicroStrategy, now holds over $15bn worth of Bitcoin on their balance sheet.

This makes them one of the largest Bitcoin holders in the world.

Since they started accumulating Bitcoin in 2020, Microstrategy stock has outperformed the S&P500 by more than 18x!!🤯

The world is constantly changing. Don’t be scared to adapt when you get more information.

🔥 What else have you missed?

1. Ohio State Senator introduces bill to require Ohio to accept Bitcoin for taxes.

2. Unlike Gold, Bitcoin Is Not A Safe-Haven.

3. CashApp US household finance report.

4. NC Bitcoin Community Deploys Search and Rescue Operation for Hurricane Relief.

5. Somebody has to lose - Jack Mallers.

6. KPMG new article: “The importance of custodians in bitcoin adoption and ownership”

🍾 Friday Fun!

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Until next week ✌️,

Jordan & The BC TeamI